Monday 12 January 2015


Hi All,
It was my birthday on the tenth, and let's just say that it wasn't my best day. I felt quite sick, and it just wasn't great. But on a happier note, I wrote up my full list of goals for 2015, and mentioned my major ones last post. One big one that I forgot to mention was to appreciate everything. Appreciate the smallest of things, not just the big things, as if I've learnt anything it's that we often take things for granted. We take our friends for granted, we take our family for granted, and you end up falling into a routine where you're so used to it, that once it's taken away, you realise how much they actually mean to you. I want to get more into photography this year, and since we do have a pretty nice DSLR camera just sitting around with it's battery uncharged most of the time, I figured I'd learn how to use it a bit. 

I was about to close the curtains tonight when I looked outside to see the sky streaked colours, the clouds a beautiful shade of scarlet, and the sky going from a light blue, to blue grey, to a candy orange and then pale yellow. It was one of those things I had to capture to appreciate before it was gone, because that's what sunsets do. They appear, and before you can blink they're gone, as if those beautiful streaks of red, orange and yellow didn't even exist.

Rainbow streaked skies and amateur photography,

- Jess xo

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